*** LoTToR download and user manu ***

1. Download
    LoTToR software download
2. Installation:
    Linux command>> unzip LoTToR-ver01.zip
3. Related software requirement:
    •   Linux system
    •   UCSF Chimera or other software to display 3D map
    •   Python
4. Input data reqyuirement
    •   3D density map/volume
    •   Tilt angle range and steps
    •   Molecular mass
    •   Image apix (A/pixel)
    •   Mask file
4. Run the MW job
    # "usage: ./runMissingWedge.py [input_3Dmap_mrc_no_ext] [3Dmask_mrc_no_ext] [negative_angle] [positive_angle] [iteration_number] [lowpass_var]
    # where:
    # [input_3Dmap_mrc]: the input MRC 3D density map file to do Missing Wedge correction.
    # [3Dmask_mrc]: the input MRC 3D mask density map, cutoff mask is better.
    # [negative_angle]: the bottom negative angle for 2D stack.
    # [positive_angle]: the top positive angle for 2D stack.
    # [iteration_number]: the number of iterations.
    # [lowpass_var]: {0/num}, if [lowpass_var]=0, do not add lp; if [lowpass_var]={num}, add cut off lp as {num} pixels.

    For example: runMissingWedge_v1p3final.py vol_BP_01 3DMask006-adv -70 70 500 4

5. Reference:
    LoTToR: An Algorithm for Missing-Wedge Correction of the Low-Tilt Tomographic 3D Reconstruction of a Single-Molecule Structure, Xiaobo Zhai, Dongsheng Lei, Meng Zhang, Jianfang Liu, Hao Wu, Yadong Yu, Lei Zhang, Gang Ren, Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 10489. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-66793-1
6. Question? please contact us
    Gang (Gary) Ren
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Molecular Foundry, Room: 2220
    1 Cyclotron Road, MS 67R2206
    Berkeley CA 94720-8197
    Phone: (510) 495-2375; Fax: (510) 486-7268
    Email: gren@lbl.gov;